If you’ve read even a few of my blogs you are aware that I shoot a lot of VRBO and Airbnb Real Estate Photography. Quite a variety actually, many different platforms and clients. VRBO and Airbnb primarilily, however, I also do a substantial amount of FSBO, Realtor and bank owned properties. While they are all similar in shoot aspects, its the VRBO and Airbnb requirements that contrast each other.
VRBO is more akin to the “typical” Real Estate shoot, with various angles and specific characteristics. The camera parameters such as F-Stop, number of brackets and lighting are common as well. The VRBO image certainly provides a clear depth of field and rich colors and mid tones. These shoots are basically the industry standard of Real Estate Photography.
Airbnb, on the other hand is a bit different in some key aspects of the shoot. Specifically the bracketing settings and interior lighting. The difference in bracketing is subtle, however, certainly makes a difference in the final images. They are very unique with the magazine photo shoot “look” that Airbnb is prefers.
The other difference between VRBO and Airbnb Real Estate Photography is the lighting. In virtually every other Real Estate Photography shoot, the lights are left on throughout the property. Doing so provides a softer, refined look. Airbnb on the other hand requires that all the lights are turned off. The result is, again as noted earlier, a more magazine like image. Since I started shooting for Airbnb I’ve come to appreciate their methods of shooting Real Estate and in fact have incorporated it into some of my shoots.
Without question the image above looks cleaner and more refined than the way the same image with the lights on would look. As noted, I have incorporated it more frequently and more and more of my clients such as Realtors or FSBO have requested a lights off shoot.
If you have any questions about this blog or to schedule a shoot, contact me anytime.
Johnny Yen
Rebel Miles Photography
“Just Being Yourself Is A Successful Rebellion…”
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